Sunday, November 27, 2011

Steven Van Boxtel joins the D.I.E. Hunter's Pecking Order at #10

Congratulations to...

Steven Van Boxtel (of Seymour Wisconsin)

#10 in the world to succeed with D.I.E.!

Steven shot two 8-pointers from the same stand 

Steven was hunting in Upper Michigan in bow season on November 14th 2011 with DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING. It was his first day in the stand and a mature 8-pointer showed up mid-day. Steven isn't sure if the buck was the most dominant or if he was an intruder buck but he had a nice rack and Steven decided to take him. He arrowed the 140-class 8-point buck at less than 15 yards. The buck has a 19" inside spread.

But that is not all...

Steven kept hunting his stand site with the same set up because deer season was still open and he had a gun deer tag that was good starting on Day 2 of his hunt. On Day 1 he was bow hunting with D.I.E. and on Day 2 he was gun hunting with D.I.E.

Two days after taking his first D.I.E. buck (Nov 16 2011) the Michigan gun deer season was open and Steven shot a second 8-pointer from the same stand during the same set up. He hunted three straight days and was successful at taking two D.I.E. BUCKS! Congratulations go out to Steven for a job well done!

He has earned the rank of #10 in the world with D.I.E. and he is now a member of the D.I.E. hunter's pecking order.

I will keep records on the first 20 hunters in each state where whitetail hunting is legal, and also in Canada. In Wisconsin I may keep records on more than 100. I am using the first 50-100 D.I.E. hunter testimonials in my next book titled "DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING... The Big Picture on Public Land!" That book will not be advertised for sale until it has been published. No more waiting lists folks.

Please call your D.I.E. hunt results in when you get a buck with D.I.E. so your accomplishment can be acknowledged! You are a D.I.E. hunter when you use the system as directed and a mature buck comes within 35 yards of you while you are on a D.I.E. hunt. I am looking for testimonials that my system works and that it worked for you the first time you used it as directed. Whether you got the buck or not isn't important to me. The fact that you saw him is!

Steven Van Boxtel is the second D.I.E. hunter to shoot a buck with a gun and a bow in the same season, and he is the first hunter to harvest a Michigan buck with D.I.E.! He also is the first to kill two bucks on one set up, and the third person to shoot one or more bucks from a permanent stand made out of plywood. I have yet to do that!

He used D.I.E. as directed! His testimonial will be here in a few days, and I will post it with the rest of the D.I.E. hunters testimonials when it arrives.

He also learned something he has shared with me and I am able to share with you. He stated a mature buck showed up within 35 yards of his stand on each of the first three days, but on Day 2 he didn't have a clean shot at the buck. The D.I.E. system is a magnet for breeding bucks and any buck that is willing to fight the herd's most dominant buck for the right to breed will show up on a D.I.E. hunt!

Congratulations to all the D.I.E. hunters who used the system this season. Whether you set it up right or not, you made an effort, and you will learn by any mistakes you make.

I got busted by a monster swamp buck on Day 1 and Day 2 of my WI gun hunt this year. I am only human, and I make mistakes. D.I.E. is not human, and it has never failed to this day.

Read the book and learn from your mistakes. You will become a successful D.I.E. hunter if you follow my instructions to a tee. Good Hunting to all of you. Stay Safe and enjoy nature. I will post more testimonials when they come in. The rut is on until January 8th for sure in WI, MI, and MN so why not buy a book and get out there to be hunted by kings?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Shane Renard #8 and Daryl Burczyk #9 become Top-Ten D.I.E. Hunters

It is amazing how many D.I.E. Hunters there are now, and how successful they are on their first hunts. I have been busy shipping books for two weeks now and over 400 are in the hands of their owners. Two new D.I.E. hunters successfully harvested dominant bucks this week with D.I.E. and they became the #8 and #9 D.I.E. hunters to join the D.I.E. Hunter's Pecking Order.


Shane Renard of Green Bay Wisconsin
 Shot this dominant 11-pointer at 27 yards with his bow on 
Day 1 of his first D.I.E. hunt in 2011
He is #8 in the world to successfully harvest a buck with D.I.E.!

Here is Shane Renard's testimonial for his first hunt with D.I.E. in the 2011 WI archery season.
I was referred to the D.I.E. system by my friend who has attended earlier in the year. I attended a D.I.E. seminar in the summer 2010. I had no idea what to expect in the earlier stages of this seminar, but was open minded. I purchase the D.I.E. book and began reading.

I selected late November to try Bob's D.I.E. system out. I was very eager and positive in my efforts to have the D.I.E. system in my bag of tricks to harvesting a monster buck. I used this D.I.E. system to the exact "T" and had no doubt in my mind that I was going to see a brute. 

After the set up, much to my surprise this guy pushes a doe into my set up on Day #1 and he beds in front of me for 1.5 hours, patiently waiting for the right opportunity to capitalize with my new found tool. 

I am Shane Renard, and I'm #8 in the world to successfully use the D.I.E. system. 11Pt. 223lbs dressed. Harvested on Nov. 2nd, 2011; 5.5" thickness on the main beams. 15" inside spread.


Daryl Burczyk of Oxford Wisconsin
Shot this monster 10-pointer with his bow while on his first D.I.E. archery hunt in WI in 2011
He is #9 in the world to successfully harvest a D.I.E. BUCK

Both of these men used my system as directed and to their credit, the buck that they harvested was indeed the most dominant in the area. Not all D.I.E. bucks are the most dominant, but they are all mature. In order for the first buck that comes in to always be the most dominant, the D.I.E. hunter has to hunt with my system without altering it in any way. If the system is altered for any reason, the dominant buck will hold back, and non-dominant breeder bucks from other herds, and bucks out of the pecking order (such as intruder breeder bucks, monster bucks, and swamp bucks) will come in. If you see yearling bucks and does near your stand you are hunting to close to a core doe bedding area. Move away from there to succeed in meeting the king of the herd, and his competitors!

Purchase a copy of my book to learn my system. It is going to change the way you decide to deer hunt in your future. Whether you are a big buck hunter or not, you can learn what makes deer tick, just by reading my 416 page book. Chapter 21 is the Rundown, it details how to use the D.I.E. system in a nutshell for those of you who do not like to read long books. I can tell you I have heard nothing but good things from the people who are reading it. They love it! I am very proud to be the one to teach the world how deer think!

You can succeed with Dominance Is Everything anytime deer are mating. Here in Wisconsin, you can succeed in both gun and late bow seasons, every day that you can legally hunt to the end of the season. Why not purchase a copy of my book, come to a seminar, or hire me for a 1 on 1, so you can join the ranks of the D.I.E. Hunter's Pecking Order!

My book is written so all ages can read it and understand it. It is not about going deer hunting, it is about having deer hunt you! I am an expert at it. D.I.E. hunters see the deer herd from the deer's perspective!  Seeing the king of deer is what D.I.E. is all about, what you do once he is within 35 yards is up to you. I do not judge D.I.E. users on whether they kill the buck or not. I only want them to see him, and if they do what I teach them to do, then they surely will see him. That is what hunting with my system is all about.

Pick one up as a Christmas gift for someone you know will appreciate being hunted by kings!

Books ship within 5 business days of receipt of your payment (while they are in stock). Currently I have 2000 books in stock. Order today by calling toll free: 877-788-4621 Bob J. Mercier

This week on Outdoors Radio: Focus on Wisconsin whitetails : The Outdoor Wire

This week on Outdoors Radio: Focus on Wisconsin whitetails : The Outdoor Wire

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hey Everybody!

The wait is over! Books are in stock now!
I got home last night after a long 10 hour trip up to Ashland from Dubuque Iowa with 2800 copies of my book. These books are beautiful.

Call me when you get a buck with my system so I can rank you among the top D.I.E. hunters in the world. There are at least 7 people I know of who have set the system up already and who will see the king of the herd on their 4 day hunt. Check back here to see pictures of the kings and the intruder bucks that fall to D.I.E. hunters this rut!

Hunt safe and remember. Never walk like a deer in the dark. It is not safe. D.I.E. hunters only hunt in daylight.

Please allow 3-5 days for your new order to be responded to. I am a one man company. I will move the books out as soon as I can. I am the exclusive retail store for the books at this time.

Thanks, Bob